Easy walks along the banks of the Plenty River
Last year on a visit to Melbourne, Victoria, I stayed with my son in the leafy green suburb of Greensborough, also a very hilly suburb. Once or twice a week during my stay we managed a nice long walk along the river, across the suspension bridge and up the hill (not another hill – groan, groan). Eventually we ended up back in the main street at the coffee shop for a cappuccino and my favorite morning tea, apple and berry slice with fresh cream, delicious. One of my favorite places to visit whilst on my stay in Greensborough, Melbourne.
In my defence I would have to say that the walks in Greensborough are very strenuous, it is so hilly. Steep hills, they take your breath away, one can hardly breath by the time you get to the top and your chest hurts. (No, I wasn’t having a heart attack but it sure felt like it).They are not high hills, just so so very steep!!
If it wasn’t for our morning teas, I would have come back very fit I’m sure. However, after each walk I always felt I had earned a cappuccino and berry slice.
Enjoy glimpses of our gorgeous native birds in this wildlife habitat area.
The Plenty river is just a small stream flowing through Greensborough in Victoria, but after heavy rain in the catchment area it can become a raging torrent. Despite the steep hills, I really enjoyed our walks along the riverbank where it is flat by comparison. It also became a favorite place to visit on a fine morning, as it is usual to see many colorful parrots flitting amongst the bushes and trees along the riverbank.
Beautiful Rosellas, Lorikeets, Galahs, wild ducks and other native birds
inhabit the area. I saw a number of Rosellas, the most common being the Eastern Rosella. I also saw the Pale yellow headed Rosella, the Western Rosella and of course the Lorikeets. The Eastern Rosella was the only one we could get close enough to for a photo, which my grandson snapped on an afternoon walk. This stately pair of wild native ducks were obviously used to people and waddled on their way, paying no attention to us at all. A very handsome pair, don’t you think?
The Melbourne weather was dreadful the whole time, grey skies, overcast and rain. Sometimes we would have a few hours of sunshine between 9am and 11am, so we were grateful for that on our morning walks. Thereafter the gloom and cold set in. Next time I plan to visit in September which is the spring weather.
Golden Wattle brightens up a dull day
The golden wattle (Australia’s National flower emblem) is just glorious at this time of year, it warms one’s heart and soul. This bush is outside my grandson’s school and is such a golden delight. The wattle and the many flowering gum trees were a pleasure to admire in the school ground, parks and ovals, along the walkways and riverbank. Greensborough a suburb of Melbourne in Victoria, proved rather a pleasant place to visit despite the Melbourne weather.
Facts about the Eastern Rosella
Description: The Eastern Rosella has a red head, neck and breast, with yellowish to greenish upper parts and distinctive white cheek patches.

Eastern Rosella common in leafy green suburbs adjacent to wildlife habitat areas along rivers and streams outside Melbourne City
Size: approximately 30 cm
Habitat: Varies consisting of woodlands, grasslands, farmlands, parks and gardens.
Food: The diet of the Eastern Rosella consists of seeds, fruits, buds, flowers, nectar and insects.
Nesting: They favor a hollow in a eucalyptus trees. Usually they lay about 4-8 eggs.
Range: The Eastern Rosella covers a large range of territory across south-eastern Australia; from Queensland to Victoria and south-eastern South Australia.
On second thought, I should’ve read this one first before the reading your list of places to go. This place is perfect! It is so serene, and I can just imagine how nice it would be to go for walks in Greensborough.
Calling this a ‘pleasant place’ is actually an understatement, in my opinion. 🙂 Thanks, Lyn!
HI Mitch, Yes Greensborough is a pretty suburb with nice walking areas. Do you have a blog site? I haven’t found it if you have. Did read your newsletter, and it is not much different over there to what it is here. Markets have been flat for a while, and I never understand why people want such enormous houses? Off to Melbourne Monday, back in two weeks. Have a good one!